The Father-Daughter duo star in Tumi's film spotlighting the new Alpha 3 collection.
February 1, 2019
For the Tumi Spring 2019 collection film, Lenny Kravitz and Zoë Kravitz journey back to where it all began, paying respect to the generations who paved the way for them to become who they are today.
he campaign, directed by Eliot Rausch, captured in the Bahamas, the beloved haven that established the soul of the Kravitz family. While honoring the passing of tradition, storytelling, and family values from generation to generation, Tumi joins the Kravitzs on their first film project together, on an intimate quest to where it all began; illustrating the strengthening of the bonds individuals create, and the significant, supporting role Tumi plays – understanding it’s not about the destination, but the invaluable moments created along the way.
“To me, this campaign is about connecting with ourselves, our roots, and with each other,” says Zoë Kravitz. “I loved working with Tumi and the idea of telling a story about travel, family and connecting with one’s roots. It was amazing to travel to the other side of the island for my first time to see where my family originated from and to pay respect to our elders and those who came before us – to experience that with my father was monumental.”
“I’ve been a Tumi customer and admirer of the brand for as long as I’ve been touring,” says Lenny Kravitz. “When you’re traveling and living out of a suitcase, your luggage becomes an extension of your home—and yourself for that matter. It’s the one thing that’s always with you: on the plane, on the tour bus, in the hotel room, backstage, or on set. So, you want it to be reliable, durable, and make a statement. For me, Tumi embodies all of those qualities to the fullest. Working on the campaign was very gratifying. Not only did I get the opportunity to represent a great product, but it was a very collaborative experience as I was involved in many creative aspects of the campaign.”