Having the art of the shoes be the centerpiece, the Spring 2014 Christian Louboutin ad ...
April 4, 2014
Having the art of the shoes be the centerpiece, the Spring 2014 Christian Louboutin ad campaign entitled Flowers. This campaign has the most extraordinary Baroque-style paintings that primarily showcase some of the Louboutin’s selections that perfectly camouflages in a painting of Claude Monet, Henri Fantin-Latour and Vincent Van Gogh. The colors are vibrant, bright as are the flowers, glittery lace-up shoes, court shoes, pumps and shiny sandals, while pastel colors dominates on the bags.
Being an artist himself, shoemaker Christian Louboutin understands the importance of craftsmanship and has great respect for the art world and its renowned players. Having already created a lookbook for the Fall 2011 collection inspired by famous paintings, it’s obvious shoe guru Louboutin loves beautiful things.
Photographed by Peter Lippmann, the campaign showcases the collection with all its dazzling shoes and floral artwork.